原标题:全球100多家石油公司在一季度减记920亿美元 中国石化新闻网讯 据7月21日Rigzone消息:全球100多家石油和天然气公司在2020年第一季度总共减记了价值920亿美元的资产。 根据美国能源信息署(EIA)的一份新报告,该报告重点关注102家能源公司的财务和运营趋势。报告概述称,这是自2015年第四季度以来的最高数字。 报告显示,这些公司在一季度增加了短期和长期借款,同期债务增加550亿美元。据说这是2015年至2020年期间所有季度中的最高值。 根据该报告,第一季度只有不到50%的公司拥有正的自由现金流,而去年第四季度这一数字超过了60%。第一季度营运现金支出比2019年第一季度下降25%,资本支出比2019年第一季度下降9%。 报告指出,第一季度原油价格比2019年第一季度下降20%,天然气价格同期下降35%。从2019年第一季度到2020年第一季度,102家公司的液体综合产量增加3.7%,天然气产量减少0.1%。 报告中的数据来源于每个公司发布的公开财务报表。报告中提及的公司包括英国石油公司,雪佛龙公司,康菲石油公司,埃尼集团,埃克森美孚公司,荷兰皇家壳牌公司和道达尔公司。 冯娟 摘译自 Rigzone 原文如下: 100+ Oil Firms Write Down $92B in 1Q More than 100 global oil and natural gas companies wrote down a total of $92 billion worth of assets during the first quarter of 2020. That’s according to a new report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), which focused on the financial and operating trends of 102 energy firms. The report outlined that this was the highest figure since the fourth quarter of 2015. The companies increased short-term and long-term borrowing in 1Q and grew debt by $55 billion during the period, the report revealed. This was said to be the most for any quarter during 2015 and 2020. Just under 50 percent of companies had positive free cash flow during 1Q, according to the report, which showed that this figure stood at over 60 percent during the fourth quarter of last year. Cash from operations in 1Q was said to be 25 percent lower than 1Q 2019 and capital expenditure in 1Q was said to be nine percent lower than in 1Q 2019. The report outlined that 1Q crude oil prices were 20 percent lower than in 1Q 2019 and that natural gas prices decreased 35 percent during the same period. The 102 companies in the study increased their combined liquids production by 3.7 percent and decreased their natural gas production by 0.1 percent from 1Q 2019 to 1Q 2020, according to the report. Data from the report is derived from the public financial statements each company publishes. Companies referenced in the report include BP plc, Chevron Corporation, ConocoPhillips Corporation, Eni S.p.A., ExxonMobil Corporation, Royal Dutch Shell plc and Total S.A. The EIA is the statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. The organization is said to be the nation's premier source of energy information and, by law, its data, analyses, and forecasts are independent of approval by any other officer or employee of the U.S. government. |