原标题:埃克森美孚和赫斯计划明年从圭亚那出口首批原油 来源:中国石油化工集团公司版权所有
中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油12月11日报道,知情人士称,埃克森美孚公司和赫斯公司计划在明年1 - 2月间从圭亚那出口有史以来的首批原油,这对这个拉美最新的石油生产国来说是一个重大里程碑。 包括上述两家美国公司的一个国际财团迄今已在圭亚那海岸外发现了60多亿桶可开采石油和天然气资源,这些油气资源最终可能为这个没有生产原油历史的国家带来75万桶/天的原油产量。 这些发现正在把圭亚那这个贫穷的国家变成一个石油投资的热点。圭亚那与长期石油生产国巴西接壤。 埃克森美孚圭亚那公司发言人上周对路透社表示,该公司在圭亚那斯塔布鲁克区块的“关键活动”,包括早期生产均已提前进行。他说,未来几周将是关键的几周,因为关键活动进展可能会受到天气和其他因素的影响。 李峻 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: Exxon, Hess to export first oil from Guyana in early 2020 U.S. producers Exxon Mobil Corp and Hess Corp plan to export the first-ever shipments of crude oil from Guyana between January and February, a milestone for Latin America’s newest oil producer, sources with knowledge of the plans said. A consortium including both companies have so far discovered more than 6 billion barrels of recoverable oil and gas resources off Guyana’s coast, which could eventually produce 750,000 barrels per day (bpd) for a country that has no history of crude output. Those finds are turning Guyana, an impoverished nation bordering longtime producers Venezuela and Brazil, into a hot property for oil investment. Exxon’s Guyana spokeswoman last week told Reuters that “key activities” on its giant Stabroek block, including early production, were running ahead of schedule. He said that coming weeks would be critical as progress could be impacted by weather and other factors. |