拥有足够支持他再过几辈子长寿生活的财富,利弗莫尔继续留在市场游戏中。不幸的是,他的好时光流走了。 1930年,情况改变了。说不清什么变化了,也说不清他头脑中发生了什么,利弗莫尔开始上手就赔。他有许多家务问题,也许影响了他。或者也象优秀的运动员,一旦到达顶峰,下坡路就快了。总之,他突然变成进入冬眠的大熊。证券交易委员会也改变了许多关于卖空的规定。以前这是一场“让买家小心”的游戏,现在却变成“让卖家小心”。1931年底,他的一半江山易手。1933年,另一半也葬送了。3000多万在看似稳操胜券的交易中亏掉了。 利弗莫尔深陷泥潭。到1934年,他已酗酒成性。3月,他申请破产保护。他的债务高达100多万美元,而财产却只剩下令人诧异的18.4美元。 为了应付难关,他于1940年出版了一本指导股票交易的书,但是显然晚了十几年。当他风头正劲时,可能会卖出几百万册,现在却没有人会喜欢输家。 1940年11月,一个大雪纷飞的日子,房东又来找杰西逼讨房租。他喝下仅剩的半瓶威士忌,从寓所溜了出来。他在大街上转悠着,望着大街上往来穿梭的豪华汽车,望着商店橱窗里琳琅满目的商品,望着街边伸手乞讨的乞丐,他长叹一口气说:"他妈的!这世界是个弱肉强食的世界,它永远只属于富人。" 杰西走进一家大旅馆的卫生间,从口袋里掏出手枪,朝自己的脑袋扣动了扳机。 他留下的遗书写道:"我的一生是一场失败。"(还有一种说法是1940年11月28日利弗莫尔到达在纽约的雪利-尼德兰宾馆辩认他父亲的尸体。一看到他父亲的尸体,数分钟之后,他就崩溃自杀。) Livermore died at the age of 63 as the result of suicide. The police revealed that there was a suicide note of eight small handwritten pages in Livermore's personal notebook. It was reported in the November 30 issue of the New York Tribune.[2] The press wanted to know what it said, and the police tersely responded: “There was a leather-bound memo book found in Mr. Livermore's pocket. It was addressed to his wife.” A police spokesman read from the notebook: “My dear Nina: Can’t help it. Things have been bad with me. I am tired of fighting. Can’t carry on any longer. This is the only way out. I am unworthy of your love. I am a failure. I am truly sorry, but this is the only way out for me. Love Laurie”.[3] Although untouchable trusts and cash assets at his death totalled over $5 million, Livermore had failed to regain his trading confidence before his death. A lifelong history of clinical depression had become the dominant factor in his final years.