【英文标题】The Initial Research about Psychological Cost and Psychological Profit
——A New Angle of View to Explain the Behavior of Mankind
LI Ji-xian
(College of Business,Renmin University,Beijing 100872,China)
【 作 者】李继先
【作者简介】李继先(1965-),男,河南商丘人,中国人民大学商学院博士研究生,主要从事企业管理研究。中国人民大学商学院,北京 100872
【英文摘要】Basing on the synthesis of several subjects,the authorinitiallygives out the theory of psychological cost and psychologicalprofit in the pa-per,and researches the connotation of it.The autnoralso points out the theory meaning and practice value of the new theoryin the pa-per.The theory provides us a new angle of view to explain thebehavior of mankind.
【关 键 词】心理成本/心理收益/人类行为
psychologicalcost/psychological profit/behavior of mankind
【 正 文】