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全球石油库存减少 10月油价上涨11%

全球石油库存减少 10月油价上涨11%

原标题:全球石油库存减少 10月油价上涨11%

  中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油11月1日消息,有迹象表明石油消耗超过了供应,并正在消耗库存,油价月度增长了11%。



  Oanda公司的高级市场分析师Ed Moya表示:“石油市场赤字可能比交易商最初预期的要小,但不会很快消失。如果欧佩克+坚持逐步增加产量的计划,原油价格可能会恢复他们的看涨立场。”



  雪佛龙首席财务官Pierre Breber在接受采访时说,随着通勤和航空旅行的增加,本季度“对我们产品的需求强劲,预计会有更多的复苏”。


  •纽约12月交割的西德克萨斯中质 (WTI) 原油上涨76美分,收于每桶83.57美元。



  最近几周,生产商的对冲资金流动也有所增加。马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)据称今年实施了一项对冲计划,而赫斯公司(Hess Corp)也表示,该公司本月一直很活跃。

  裘寅 编译自 世界石油


  Oil prices rose 11% in October on diminishing global stockpiles

  Oil posted a monthly gain of 11% on signs that consumption is outpacing supply and draining stockpiles.

  Futures in New York rose 0.9% on Friday. Oil’s advance this month shows the impact of an ongoing shortage of natural gas, which has boosted demand for oil products. At the same time, rising margins signal that crude consumption will remain strong as refiners continue to process more to meet demand. That could mean that global oil stockpiles will continue to fall in the coming months.

  Meanwhile, traders continue to assess the possibility that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies will increase output further. The group will meet Nov. 4 to review their plans to gradually restore some more of the production they halted during the pandemic.

  “The oil market deficit might be smaller than traders initially thought, but it will not go away anytime soon,” said Ed Moya, senior market analyst at Oanda Corp. “Crude prices could resume their bullish stance if OPEC+ stays the course with their gradual output increase plan.”

  Oil has been one of the standout performers among commodities as a gas-centered energy crunch has buoyed demand for petroleum products. Thus far, OPEC+ has argued that cautious monthly supply increases of 400,000 barrels a day are appropriate as risks remain. Meanwhile, natural gas prices have tumbled after Russia signaled on Thursday that Russia will send extra gas to Europe next month.

  Oil majors Chevron Corp. and Exxon Mobil Corp.’s better-than-expected earnings reports on Friday also signaled to markets the possibility of increased capacity to produce additional barrels. The oil majors are plowing windfall profits into share buybacks as soaring energy prices boost their cash flow.

  With commuting and air travel picking up, there’s “strong demand across our products with more recovery expected” during the current quarter, Chevron Chief Financial Officer Pierre Breber said in an interview.


  WTI for December delivery rose 76 cents to settle at $83.57 a barrel in New York.

  Brent for December settlement, which expires Friday, climbed 6 cents to $84.38 a barrel.

  The more active January contract added 6 cents to end the session at $83.72 a barrel.

  Recent weeks have also seen an uptick in producer hedging flows. Malysia’s Petronas is said to have carried out a hedging program this year, while Hess Corp also said that it has been active this month.

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