原标题:欧佩克生产配额调升 俄罗斯10月石油产量增加 中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油11月2日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯石油产量在10月份连续第二个月增加,因为各公司在欧佩克+协议下增加产量。 根据能源部CDU-TEK部门的数据,美国上个月生产了4586万吨原油和凝析油。按每吨7.33桶的转换率计算,相当于每天1084.3万桶,较9月份高出1.1%。 从8月份开始,俄罗斯有权每月将其原油产量增加约10万桶/日。这是欧佩克及其盟国设定的原油供应总量增长目标的四分之一。 在疫情最严重时期实施的所有生产限制措施全部取消之前,这种增产措施将继续下去。 该联盟将于11月4日召开会议,石油消费者要求加快增产以遏制价格上涨的压力与日俱增。 由于CDU-TEK的数据没有提供原油和凝析油之间的细目分类,这是欧佩克+协议中不包括的,因此很难评估俄罗斯对协议的遵守情况。如果俄罗斯凝析油产量与9月份相同——约为每天91万桶,那么该国的原油日产量约为993万桶,比10月份的配额高出约12万桶。 国际能源署(IEA)在其最新月度报告中表示,9月份俄罗斯对欧佩克+协议的遵守率保持在92%,与伊拉克一样,是该联盟主要产油国中最低的。 裘寅 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: Russian oil output rose in October on OPEC quota hike Russia’s oil output increased in October for a second straight month as companies open the taps under the OPEC+ agreement to raise output. The nation produced 45.86 million tons of crude oil and condensate last month, according to data from the Energy Ministry’s CDU-TEK unit. That equals 10.843 million barrels a day, based on a 7.33 barrel-per-ton conversion ratio, and is 1.1% higher than September. Russia has the right to increase its crude-only production by some 100,000 barrels a day each month starting August. That’s a quarter of the total crude supply hikes targeted by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies. The increases are set to continue until all of the production curbs that were implemented during the depths of the pandemic are rolled back. The alliance will meet Nov. 4 amid mounting pressure from oil consumers to increase output faster to stem price growth. As CDU-TEK data doesn’t provide a breakdown between crude and condensate, which is excluded from the OPEC+ agreement, it’s difficult to assess Russia’s compliance with the deal. If Russia’s condensate output was the same as in September - some 910,000 barrels a day, then nation’s daily crude-only production waround 9.93 million barrels, about 120,000 barrels above its quota for October. Russia’s adherence to the OPEC+ deal remained at 92% in September, which, together with Iraq, was the lowest rate among major producers in the alliance, the International Energy Agency said in its latest monthly report. |