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中国石化新闻网讯 据全球能源新闻网10月8日报道,根据雷斯塔能源(Rystad Energy)公司的一份报告显示,近几个月来,阿根廷瓦卡·穆尔塔(Vaca Muerta)页岩区块的油气产量和油井活动水平强劲增长,已成为世界上增长最快的主要页岩盆地。创纪录的油井完工并投产(POP),推动该区块的油气产量在7月和8月达到新高,并为年底前进一步增长指明了方向。瓦卡·穆尔塔的这种激增有望将阿根廷全国石油产量提升至多年来的最高水平,该地区的竞争力也与美国盆地相比有所提高。






  虽然瓦卡穆尔塔项目始于几年前的一个关键区域——洛马·坎帕纳(Loma Campana)区块,但该盆地正在见证整个石油区核心部分作业区全面开发的开始。阿根廷运营者YPF在其洛马坎帕纳地区以外的地区交付了创纪录的量。壳牌、泛美、TecPetrol和PlusPetrol是主要生产商在7月至8月达到创纪录量的例子。


  郝芬 译自 全球能源新闻网



  Argentina’s Vaca Muerta shale play, having registered strong growth in oil and gas production and well activity levels in recent months, has emerged as the world’s fastest growing major shale basin, a Rystad Energy report shows. A record number of wells were completed and put on production (POP), propelling the play’s oil and gas output to new highs in July and August, and charting a course for even more growth by year-end. This surge from Vaca Muerta is poised to lift Argentina’s country-wide oil production to the highest level in years, with the play’s competitiveness also rising against US basins.

  Although complete data for September is not yet available, there is no doubt that the third quarter of 2021 will set a new record for the number of horizontal wells put on production in Vaca Muerta, with Rystad Energy estimating that the POP count will reach around 73 oil and gas wells. The previous record was in the fourth quarter of 2018, when the count reached 59 wells.

  The Vaca Muerta oil zone will probably see more than 50 wells put on production between July and September, while gas well POP activity will likely remain in the range of 20 to 25 wells for the quarter. While that means another record for oil wells alone, the gas well count has been higher in the past.

  This surge of activity caused oil production from the basin to rise beyond 160,000 barrels per day (bpd) for the first time ever in July, reaching an average of 162,000 bpd for the month, followed by an equally strong August that saw production at 161,000 bpd. For context, Vaca Muerta’s oil output had never exceeded 120,000 bpd until December 2020. Rystad Energy expects production to increase by as much as another 25% over the next three months, to close the year at nearly 200,000 bpd.

  Argentina’s country-wide oil output peaked at nearly 850,000 bpd before the close of the 20th century and has since been in steady decline. With August production averaging nearly 525,000 bpd, representing a full recovery to the pre-Covid-19 levels seen in the first quarter of 2020, the expected additions from Vaca Muerta could help elevate the country’s monthly output to 560,000 bpd by December – a benchmark not seen since October 2012.

  Natural gas output gains in Vaca Muerta have been even more impressive, expanding sequentially every month from May through August. Production soared to an all-time high of almost 1.6 billion cubic feet per day (Bcfd) in August, from between 890 million and 920 million cubic feet per day (MMcfd) during the six-month period from November 2020 to April 2021.

  While the Vaca Muerta story really began several years ago from one key area – the Loma Campana block – the basin is witnessing the start of full-scale development across the whole operating area in the core part of the oil zone. Argentine operator YPF has been delivering record-high volumes outside of its Loma Campana area. Shell, Pan American, TecPetrol and PlusPetrol are examples of key producers achieving record-high numbers in July-August.

  With respect to gas production, TecPetrol and YPF were the key drivers of the outstanding growth seen over the past five months, though gains by Pan American and PlusPetrol also contributed to the record-high volumes achieved in August.

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