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  1. {.....................................................count start}
  2. var: openEquity(0), closeEquity(0), closeProfit(0),mp(0);
  3. var: wlCount(0),earnloss(0);

  4. mp = marketposition;

  5. //calc OpenEquity
  6. openEquity = i_OpenEquity; //i_OpenEquity = netprofit(has been exit) + openpositionprofit(still has position)
  7. closeEquity = i_ClosedEquity;
  8. closeProfit = 0;

  9. if mp <> mp[1]{this bar position changed!} and mp[1] <> 0{last bar have position} then {means new bar:1,no position or 2,opposite position} closeProfit = closeEquity - closeEquity[1]{covered earns};

  10. if closeProfit <> 0 then begin {have earn or loss}
  11.         if closeProfit > 0 then begin {have earn}
  12.                 if wlCount < 0 then wlCount = 0;{last is loss,reset time = 0}
  13.                 wlCount = wlCount + 1;{earn time +1 ,the first time earn}   
  14.          end;

  15.         if closeProfit < 0 then begin {have loss}
  16.                 if wlCount > 0 then wlCount = 0; {last trade is earn,the reset time = 0}
  17.                 wlCount = wlCount - 1; {record loss time -1}               
  18.         end;
  19. end;
  20. earnloss = wlCount;

  21. {.....................................................count end}
  22. {check count start}
  23. Input:N1(-3);
  24. var:allow(False);
  25. if earnloss < N1 then allow =False; //loss > 3 then stop trade
  26. {check count end}

  27. if allow = False and date<>date[1] then allow = True;{second day allow change to true}

  28. if allow = True then begin
  29. buy next bar at Highest(high,5) stop;
  30. sellshort next bar at Lowest(low,5) stop;
  31. end;

期货论坛 - 版权/免责声明   1.本站发布源码(包括函数、指标、策略等)均属开放源码,用意在于让使用者学习程序化语法撰写,使用者可以任意修改语法內容并调整参数。仅限用于个人学习使用,请勿转载、滥用,严禁私自连接实盘账户交易
