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中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价网站9月14日消息 金价周一上涨,因美元走弱,以及对美联储将在本周晚些时候重申其稳健的货币政策立场的预期,帮助重振投资者对金条的兴趣。


    英国盈丰财资市场首席市场分析师Michael Hewson在接受路透采访时表示:“金价坚挺的基础是,美联储可能在平均通胀目标方面采取进一步的稳健信息。”



    FXTM分析师Lukman Otunuga表示:“如果通胀预期维持在2%或以下,这可能会给黄金带来顺风,因为零收益金属在低利率环境下蓬勃发展。”




    王磊 摘译自 今日油价


    Gold Prices Near Two-Week High

    Gold prices advanced higher on Monday as a weaker US dollar and expectations that the US Federal Reserve will reiterate its dovish monetary policy stance later this week helped to reinvigorate investor interest for bullion.

    Spot gold was up nearly 1.0% at $1,959.44 per ounce by 11:15 a.m. EDT — its highest in almost two weeks and the largest gain during this period. US gold futures also rose 1.0% to $1,969.20 per ounce.

    “Gold is firm on the basis that the Fed could adopt a further dovish message with respect to average inflation targeting,” Michael Hewson, chief market analyst at CMC Markets UK, said in a Reuters interview.

    “If you want to have a policy of average inflation targeting, you’re going to have to go into detail as to how you are going to arrive at that particular outcome,” Hewson added.

    Meanwhile, the dollar weakened — with the US Dollar Index down 0.3% — bolstering gold’s appeal for investors holding other currencies ahead of the Fed’s policy decision on Wednesday.

    “If inflation forecasts remain at 2% or below, this could offer gold a tailwind as the zero-yielding metal thrives in a low-interest rate environment,” FXTM analyst Lukman Otunuga said.

    Market participants are also waiting for the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England’s policy decisions, which are due on Thursday.

    Capping bullion’s gains, UK-based drugmaker AstraZeneca resumed its Phase-III trial over the weekend, rekindling hopes for a potential covid-19 vaccine and giving a boost to global markets.

    “Gold is likely to remain trapped in a range in the near term due to the conflicting forces buffeting the commodity with major headwinds in the form of rising vaccine hopes and positive economic data from major economies,” Otunuga said.

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