今天来教教大家如何根据各种状况来加仓进场或分批出场,1.相同条件下的加仓:[code]if condition1 then buy next bar at market;[/code]加仓设置
2.不同条件加仓[code]if condition1 then buy(“entry”) next bar at market;
if condition2 then buy(“jiacang1”) next bar at market;
if condition3 then buy(“jiacang2”) next bar at market; [/code]这个的[code]condition1 =close>o and marketposition=0
condition2 =close>o and close[1]>open[1]
condition3 =close>o and close[1]>open[1] and close[2]>open[2]
3. 同一笔入场的多手持仓的相同条件的分笔出场
分批出场开关:SameExitFromOneEntryOnce[code]if close>o then buy 3 shares next bar at market;
[SameExitFromOneEntryOnce = false];
if close<o then sell 1 Contracts Next Bar At market;[/code]分批出场效果
4. 同一笔入场的多手持仓的不同条件的分笔出场[code]if condition1 then sell 1 Contracts total Next Bar At market;
if condition2 then sell 1 Contracts total Next Bar At market;
if condition3 then sell 1 Contracts total Next Bar At market;[/code]通过total 每次固定只平1手
5. 不同进场或不同条件不同入场名称的分批出场(按进场名称出场),[code]
if close>o and marketposition=0 then buy ("entry") next bar at market;
if close>o and close[1]>open[1] then buy ("jiacang1") next bar at market;
if close>o and close[1]>open[1] and close[2]>open[2] then buy ("jiacang2") next bar at market;
if close[1]<open[1] then begin
sell from entry("entry") next bar at market;
sell from entry("jiacang1") next bar at market;
sell from entry("jiacang2") next bar at market;
[/code]出场效果 :