【Volume Avg】
AvgLength( 50 ),
AlertPct( 50 ),
UpColor( Cyan ),
DownColor( Red ) ;
var0( 0 ),
var1( 0 ),
var2( 0 ),
var3( 0 ),
AlertFactor( 1 + AlertPct * .01 ),
AlertStr( NumToStr( AlertPct, 2 ) ) ;
if BarType >= 2 and BarType < 5 then { not tick/intra-day data nor an advanced chart
type (Kagi, Renko, Line Break) }
var0 = Volume ;
var1 = AverageFC( Volume, AvgLength ) ;
Plot1( var0, "Vol" ) ;
Plot2( var1, "VolAvg" ) ;
{ Alert criteria }
condition1 = var0 crosses over var1 * AlertFactor ;
if condition1 then
Alert( "Volume breaking through " + AlertStr + "% above its avg" ) ;
else { if tick/intra-day data or an advanced chart type; in the case of minute data,
also set the "Build Volume On:" field in the Format Instrument dialog to Trade Volume
or Tick Count, as desired; when using advanced chart types, Ticks returns volume
if the chart is built from 1-tick interval data }
var2 = Ticks ;
var3 = AverageFC( Ticks, AvgLength ) ;
Plot1( var2, "Vol" ) ;
Plot2( var3, "VolAvg" ) ;
{ Alert criteria }
condition1 = var2 crosses over var3 * AlertFactor ;
if condition1 then
Alert( "Volume breaking through " + AlertStr + "% above its avg" ) ;
end ;
{ Color criteria }
if C > C[1] then
SetPlotColor( 1, UpColor )
else if C < C[1] then
SetPlotColor( 1, DownColor ) ;