[code][LegacyColorValue = true];{ ELTimeToString Function}
{ This function accepts a EL time and returns the date string HH:MM }
{ Written by eKam 8/ 2/2003 }
{ TimeToStr, a different version, was also coded by Greg Ballard, 2004}
{ Bug fix eKam 4/27/2004 }
inputs: TimeSelect( numericsimple );
var: s(""),strl(0);
s = NumToStr(TimeSelect,0);
strl = strlen(s);
if strl = 4 then
ELTimeToString = LeftStr(s,2) + ":" + RightStr(s,2)
else if strl = 3 then
ELTimeToString = "0" + LeftStr(s,1) + ":" + RightStr(s,2)
else if strl = 2 then
ELTimeToString = "00:" + RightStr(s,2)
else if strl = 1 then
ELTimeToString = "00:0" + RightStr(s,1)
else if strl = 0 then
ELTimeToString = "00:00";